Monday, May 17, 2010

Spirituality.....Am I or Am I Not?

Been ruminating about this topic for 2 weeks now; how do I define spirituality and when do I feel it. Did I feel it when I was a child? I attended Hebrew school and Sunday school, was a Bat Mitzah and as a family we attended services for the High Holy days and celebrated Passover and Hanukkah.
I always felt a connection to Passover. Was it because it was a pivotal moment for the Jewish people or just the memories of my beloved Grandpa leading the service?
I walked away from Judaism immediately following my Bat Mitzvah when I had the choice whether or not to participate. Did I feel spiritual then? Was something missing?
Went back to the Temple to be part of the confirmation class. Was that a feeling of spirituality or just the fact that I enjoyed the challenges of learning?
Left conventional Judaism behind until Abby was a toddler. Suddenly it was important to give her knowledge about being a Jew. This was something we had to live, to experience and to have in our lives. Luckily Brad and I have similar feelings about Judaism and God and we found ourselves drawn to the Family Service at the Rec Center. We loved the lightness of the Rabbi and Cantor, and how it appealed to all ages. Most of all we loved that it was a change from the seriousness of the Judaism of our youth. Was that spirituality? Or just enjoying being together as a family?
So here I am on the quest to define spirituality. Do I feel more spiritual now that we are part of a Temple? That's an easy "yes" if for no other reason than it's in my conscience. I am aware of it. Do I feel spiritual when I'm participating in religious experiences? Truthfully, most of the time it's rote and automatic. The times I feel most spiritual are when we are in an outdoor setting. There's something about the awesomeness of nature and the chanting of ancient words that puts me into a spiritual nirvana.
To me spirituality is transcending; tapping into a higher level. It needs to involve my brain along with a variety of senses. I have definitely been more spiritual and more aware of it in the past 3 years. I strive to let go of the clutter of life and focus......and transcend.

1 comment:

J Patterson said...

I agree completely, for me spirituality is all about transcendence and there is just something about the purity and power of nature that helps us get there.