Monday, February 7, 2011

Doing Good Deeds is Spiritual

Helping others is about as spiritual as it gets. Whether lending a hand or ear to a family member or friend, or volunteering to help the homeless or help the environment. It is what connects us to each other and is part of the human continum. Paying it forward as they say. There is always a warm, gratifying experience that the end of such a day.


Sue Gould said...

I'm with you!

Rabbi Paul Kipnes said...

Paying it forward... that is sort of like Rabbi Maimonides declaration that the highest form of tzedakah is when we help others to sustain themselves. That's a way of paying it forward.

Moreover, Judaism teaches that the money we give to tzedakah - and I would venture, also the time we devote to social justice - is not really "our" money or time. Rather, it is money and time loaned to us by our Creator for the express purpose of allowing us the mitzvah to pay it forward...