Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I love being Jewish!

Wow I have never bogged before, and find it a bit nerve racking, but I could not pass up Rabbi Paul's invitation to "talk" about spirituality. Where do I begin? I grew up in an orthodox home and never really under stood or related to the Jewish part of me. We did things because my mom said this is the way we do it, never explaining the reason's why we Jews do what we do. It wasn't until 13 years ago I was part of the 12 families that started Or Ami, that I really connected to the spirituality side of being a Jew. I learned why we do the things we do, through Torah Study with Rabbi Paul, conversations with other Or Ami members and most importantly my studies through The Melton School. I am a completely different person now than I was years ago. My understanding of Jewish law has changed me to become a better Jew, not in the ritual sense, but in the spirituality sense. I am so PROUD to be Jewish, to be part of a of a people who never gave up, and most especially our relationship to G-D. My Jewish spirituality is one of the most important aspects of my life. I LOVE BEING JEWISH AND BEING PART OF OR AMI. Thank You Rabbi Paul for all you have taught me and looking forward to always learning more!
May 2, 2010 11:58 AM


Rabbi Paul Kipnes said...

Welcome to blogging and to the conversation about spirituality.

Linda makes a very significant comment: that a bit of learning (or in her case, a lot of learning) goes a long way to toward deepening the spiritual experience. It opens up our eyes to the greater meaning in our rituals and our lives. We see beyond the curtain to what really is.

by Rabbi Paul Kipnes

Debpat said...

Have you listened to the children's song "A Part of a Chain" by Robbo? My kids hear the first few notes, and start belting the whole thing out with so much pride and ownership. It's a great song and captures part of the spirit of what my children love about being Jewish.

I remember Rabbi Paul asking us parents assembled at Kesher Back-to-school-night why we had enrolled our children in a Jewish education program. This song pretty much says it all for me. (Debby Pattiz)

P.S. Here's a link to the song in case you want to check it out: