Monday, August 23, 2010

Endless Summer ??

As our summer comes to a close, although recent temps don't seem to dictate that fact, I find myself reflecting on the past few months from a spiritual point of view. As my kids and I traveled the world, together and separately, I worked hard at staying present and in the moment, enjoying the abundance that the universe was constantly providing for me. I used what ever down time I had to read anything I could get my hands on regarding spirituality. My summer reading list consisted of; The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz - The Fifth Agreement, Don Miguel & Don Jose Ruiz - The Year of Magical Thinking, Joan Didion - The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer - A New Earth, Ekhart Tolle, The Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff & Raising Cain, Dan Kindlon & Michael Thompson - listening to Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

On July 31st I traveled to Mammoth Lakes with my children. This was our first trip to Mammoth since my wife Erica died in a snowboarding accident there in February. Needless to say, the weeks leading up to the trip were met with some anxiety on my part. On the Friday before we drove up, something was pulling at me all day, telling me I should attend shabbat services that night at Or Ami. I don't why there was any resistance in me but it took a little convincing from a friend I was with that day and it was decided we would attend that evening. As we celebrated shabbat and listened to Julia Weisz's sermon I was amazed by the Torah portion that I had seemingly stumbled into ( Ekev5770). The story was of Moses leading the Jews to Israel and reminding them of the hardships and pain they had suffered prior to leading them into the promised land. Julia's words about the the need to visit the root and most difficult part of our grief prior to healing were so incredibly poignant. The power of her sermon and the warmth of the Or Ami community gave me the strength to make that journey, which I knew would help us tremendously on our path of healing.

On Saturday afternoon, July 31st, Megan, Tyler, our dogs Boo & Mr. Butters, and I hiked up to the very spot where Erica took her last breath. We sat, we meditated, we cried and we healed. As we sat on the hill side we took in the vast and incredible view up the valley in front of us, out to Mono Lake and up to the crest of Mammoth Mountain to our right. The sun shone softly on our backs, filtered by the trees behind us and directly on to the flowers we had placed in Erica’s honor. It was a beautiful moment and we could feel Erica’s presence immeasurably. We spent the rest of the weekend hiking and celebrating life with friends, basking in the light that surrounded us.

Two weeks ago I traveled to a small town outside of Mexico City next to the Teotihuacan Pyramids site. A friend and I spent four days living with Don Miguel Ruiz and his son Don Jose along with about 20 other spiritual seekers of all ages, races, and from geographical locations around the globe. We learned about and explored the spiritual philosophy of the ancient Toltec culture and the significance that the pyramid site played in their spiritual practices. It was an enlightening journey and I highly recommend checking out their books, The Four Agreements and/or The Fifth Agreement. The Fifth Agreement actually covers the first four.

All I can say is that after a summer of reading, traveling, and reflecting I have made the irrevocable decision that I choose to be happy, I choose not to be a victim, I choose not to judge myself or others, and not to concern myself with the judgments others may have of me. I have chosen love and light over despair and darkness. I have chosen spirituality what ever that may be and wherever that may lead.

The summer maybe coming to an end but the search for spiritual fulfillment never will.


LyfeAccordingtoLysa said...

as the tears stream down my face, I am inspired.
life keeps throwing me these incredibly difficult challenges and I weave in and out of darkness and light often.
To see you recover so gracefully from such deep heartache is exactly what Erica was all about ~ You continue to amaze me ~

I choose happiness too.

Sue said...

Thank you for posting such a personal account of your "summer vacation". You inspire me!

Lizzie Brasler said...

End of summer and I'm still working it out...

I had a spiritually rough summer Lots of fear, emotional "bumps", and some health issues.

I stepped up my spiritual program with more writing, more praying, more service to others, and I got through it.

For me, spirituality is not an option. I must practice the tools I have been given on a daily basis in order to maintain any sense of serenity. So that's what I will continue to do as we begin this next year.

L'Shana Tova,

Kevin said...

Wow - what a nice article and I appreciate you sharing such a heartfelt moment about how your family is healing with such a heavy loss of a spouse/mom. I too choose happiness and keep fouling off all those crazy pitches life throws at us trying to destroy that happiness.

Adam Chambers said...

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful.

I am moved by your courage to engage the pain and your choices.